Sonic Landscapes

Musicians from a variety of genres will gather together while their performances are turned into reactive projections and lighting effects. Harmonizing with the music, visualization artists will provide the palette that the musicians will use to paint the visible landscape on the Wertheim Concert Hall stage. This is the first concert in a perennial festival, so come be a part of history and enjoy a unique multi-media experience.

Be a part of intimate performances featuring

Musical Performances by:

Gabriela Esquivel, piano

Pedja ​Kovačević, electronics

Mari Ogasawara, piano

Paul Steinsland, guitar, and voice

The Supernova Parasites jazz combo:

Frank Castillo

Gabriela Esquivel

Martin Itturalde

Isaac Nyman

The Taco Cats vocal ensemble:

Alyssa Gutierrez

Emmanuel Perez

Emily Tang

Clementine Zhang

Visualizations by:

Johnathan Arce

Paul Steinsland

Jose Veliz

Nestor Trujillo